We arrived at Tiny Lions on September 3rd only to find the kitten we connected with the most was pending adoption. It was getting to the end of the hold period so we took a chance, ran to a pet store, and bought food, litter, and toys - hoping that when we got back to Tiny Lions she would still be there. It was fate, and that afternoon Violet came home with us! She adapted with ease and immediately felt like the missing family member. We've watched her grow over the last few months and develop her spunky personality. One minute she's hunting our toes and another she's laying belly up on our laps and purring. Violet loves: hiding under the bed, eating wet food, zooming around the house, sitting in front of an open screen door, and batting pens and markers across the floor - entertainment for hours! When we wake up in the morning we usually find our son's stuffed animals parading all down the stairs and across the floor, as Violet loves taking them down and playing with them at night. She and our 4 year old have become fast friends, and is the purrfect addition to our family!